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Incredible unique Shamanic wand crafted by Michegan Master Elinie.  This wand has 20 feathers from birds of prey and a peacock feather for evil eye protection.


This wand is 50cm long!  The fluorite tip itself is 12cm.


Carnelian embedded in the end and the wand binding onto ancient chinese redwood.  Carnelian is thought by some to enhance self-esteem and creativity, to combat feelings of inadequacy, to increase physical energy and overcome insomnia. In the home, carnelian is believed to increase motivation towards action.  It's the fire stone - great for working with strong totem animals especially the phoenix and dragon.


Chinese redwood is considered to be a symbolism of wellness, safety, longevity, wisdom, and communication. “To walk in a redwood forest is to enter nature's cathedral.” Above all, this tree symbolizes vitality and longevity, as it can grow to 1,000 years old and comes from a lineage of trees which grow into old ages.


Dark Fluorite is the ultimate cleanser and purifier of negativity. Its energies serve as a shield around your emotional body. Purple Fluorite attunes the mind with higher vibrations and enables the ability to ascend our spirit and consciousness.


All wands come with a meditation to connect plus a wand bag and certificate of authenticity.

Shamanic Fluorite Wand

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