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Image by Josh Kahen


poppet skull healer


Poppet Magick

For many lifetimes I have been gifted with the honour of making magical poppets to help heal people through life.


These magical beings act as effigies, souls and guardians to their owners, providing help, healing, protection and potential depending on the owners wishes.​


I've made over 200 poppets to date that have helped with everything from finding true love to evicting a lodger to curing chronic pain - the recipe is yours - I simply put everything together and add the magick.


I interview you for as long as needed to find out where you are in life, what you need help with and what you want to achieve.  I will then come up with the perfect recipe using my guides and yours.  Once you approve the recipe I will take payment and then start the process of working with various forces to make your magical helper.


Read more about my poppets - how I make, birth and program them here 


To make an enquiry or place an order please go here

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