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Meet Nala She is a beautiful galactic ray of love. Carrying the codes from the planet Venus and supporting heartfelt relationship development including with the self. Often we struggle to nurture and support ourself in loving ways. She will help you break old habits and find the path of love for you on the highest truth timeline. Mission is to assist guardian with being in loving relationships and clearing out the timelines were abuse trauma is affecting the now timeline. A unicorn full of love and compassion and made from selenite - the unicorn stone


More About Selenite
Selenite is a crystallised form of gypsum and comes in a variety of shapes and sizes, varying considerably in colour. It is a soft and very fragile crystal and is formed on Salt Plains, about two feet below the surface.

The energy of all colours and forms of selenite promote a feeling of spirituality and encourage connection with the divine. Selenite has a gentle and fine vibration is often associated with opening up the crown chakra and also accessing angelic consciousness. When placed in your home, this unicorn will to help bring peace and divine influences. Also work with her as a tool when accessing past life material or for use when meditating.

The clear form of the crystal, in particular, represents clarity, reminding us to aim to think clearly and without prejudice. Note: be careful if you cleanse selenite as, although some contact with water is okay, it's a soft mineral and could deteriorate if left in water for long periods of time.

More About the Symbol of the Unicorn
One of the earliest references to a unicorn is about 5000 years ago in ancient China when it was written that a unicorn appeared to the emperor Huang Di as a sign that his reign would be long and peaceful. Also in China it is recorded that a unicorn brought a piece of jade to the mother of the renowned prophet Confucius and laid its head on her lap. She took that as a good omen for what was to come.

The unicorn represents purity and a Christ-like connection to God and the divine. Although a gentle creature, its horn could be used to protect if needed. So as a symbol it represents your desire to be closer to God, to work towards greater clarity in yourself, and to be protected while doing this.




Selenite Unicorn with Venus Healing Energies

£65.00 Regular Price
£35.75Sale Price
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