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This obsidian walnut wand is truly special.  Handcrafted in Norfolk by an ancient Pagan witch - this has been blessed and charged ready for use.


Everything has been chosen so it works together to provide the right blend of magic.  WAlnut wood sees strength and hidden riches - especially good for those who have had trauma.


Obsidian is the master protector - the dragon stone.  It absorbs negativity and has a high spiritual connection.  the three points super charge the 'power of three' approach that witches live by


We also felt the need to add advebturine - Aventurine stone is derived from the Italian word “avontura” which means chance. This is taken to be a gentle yet firm hint that this crystal will bless your life with prosperity and abundance. In spiritual terms, the Aventurine crystal is the heart healer. “Anahata” is the name of the heart chakra to which it is linked and this functions as an activation site for feelings of love, compassion, gratitude and inner peace and harmony.


This 30cm wand is simple yet beautiful. 


All wands come with a bag, certificate and an MP3 to connect you to the magic

Obsidian Walnut Wand

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