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Finding Your Path – Witchcraft 101

Newly awakened witches often come to me confused and lost because they’re overwhelmed by the sheer number of directions that they could potentially take their craft. They see talk of green witches and kitchen witches, hedge witches, sea witches and so many others and they have a completely human reaction to being confronted with such an overabundance of information.

What often happens is these beautiful witches get really overwhelmed and back away from the craft as there is simply too much choice and they don’t feel like they ‘fit’ snugly with any of them.

Newsflash – you don’t have to choose!

In this restrictive first world we are used to being forced to CHOOSE – whether its as kids where we’re told to pick just one cake at the bakery to have before our dinner or as an adult where we have to pick one career path and are encouraged to stick with it for life.  Well get this, you don’t have to choose at all in fact you can be all the things.

Some smug witches know from the beginning.  You’ll always meet one or two that will talk of being an ancient sea witch through 15 lifetimes, but you know what that can limit them.  Just because you’ve been one thing in many lifetimes or through this life, it doesn’t mean you always have to be that or are destined to be forever.  In fact thinking like that will stunt your growth.

We are beings that evolve.  We are not supposed to be one thing forever and witches know that more than anyone.  So many witches are polyamorous as they don’t stick to one lover or nomadic as they don’t tie themselves to one house.  It’s who we are.

Experiment, try, fail, win, laugh

The important thing is that you keep learning.  The experimentation is the exciting part.

For the majority of people their path unfolds in the natural course of events.   You might feel a draw or a particular talent in a certain area that you want to get deeper into.

For example, I remember sitting with my mentor and doing some candle magic.  I was staring into the flame for hours until I was boss eyed.  I felt nothing, saw nothing so put it to one side.   I played with runes, crystals, dousing – all that stuff and it was fun but I never felt it was truly my niche.

Then I started to create my own recipe.  I made magical poppets using god energy, stuffed with crystals, herbs and runes to help people in need.  I started to channel dragons and guides, allowing them to help direct me.  I delved into my arkashic records more and realised when I worked with elemental beings my magic was another level.  I also started to learn tarot again as sometimes you start down one path and it might be the right one but not the right time.

Craft your own magical recipe

Over time you may narrow your focus.  I seem to dip in and ou but have a ‘core’ path with my elemental work.  However, there are still so many practises I want to try.  Right now I am studying voodoo and advanced herbology.  I have also started to channel starbeings which is a totally rich and new experience.

Every individual witch will find their own path which, while they may choose to call it by a certain title, will be entirely unique to them. Finding your path is not about choosing what kind of witchcraft you want to practice, it’s about allowing your craft to develop its own flavour and personality as you learn and grow.

Forget rules and titles

Remember you’re a witch not a corporate lawyer, you don’t have to choose or play by rules (well only the universal laws)

In order to find your path you must let go of the imposed boundaries of titles. Titles can be useful in many ways but for newer witches they can be limiting. Witchcraft is a way to claim your power! Why would you limit yourself in that pursuit?

All title is about is ego!  If I see a magical practitioner with copious titles and qualifications after their name, I tend to walk the other way (smirking).

Cast your net wide

Cast your magical net as far as you like, read about anything and everything that interests you. Allow yourself to wander and get lost in your learning, follow your whims and soak up as much variety as you can.

There might be things you do in your basic human life that can be made magical – crafting, music, gardening, swimming – all of what you’re drawn to in the mundane are often clues to what gets you excited – so bring in the magic!  For me it was my writing.  I’m a journalist and poet so I started to write magical poetry, articles that delved into the soul and spirit and pieces like this.

As you explore and learn and practice your path will make itself clear, the things you love, the things that make you excited will always come to the surface. You will find yourself reaching for the practices that truly FEEL magical to you again and again.

The essence of you path, the foundation, is built on love, excitement, ease.  As witches we’ve been made to feel odd and different our whole lives so now its time to celebrate that, use it.   The craft is a sister/brotherhood too so join a group for support and revel in being part of the magic.  Your true path is as easy as breathing, something you feel comfortable with, joyful doing and feels like home.  So enjoy it and welcome home sister.

Choosing Your Path

Choosing Your Path


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